The Burger Manufacturing Company
The great burger debate
The Burger Manufacturing Company re-defines the perception of burgers
Formed in 2000 with a purpose built factory in the heart of the Welsh countryside, The Burger Manufacturing Company has set out from day one to change the reputation and image of the humble burger. “We believe that not all fast food is bad for you because our range uses only the finest cuts of UK and Irish Farm Assured beef. As well as a strong representation in the fast food market, we also excel in the restaurant and hotel market with our Gourmet range, which includes the world famous Kobe and Aberdeen Angus.
“In light of recent press and television documentaries on ‘healthy eating’ in schools and with significant press attention on the growing obesity problem, should one be considering eating a burger? The campaign to improve eating habits in schools has not, according to the press, had the glorious results that were expected. Why radically change eating habits? Why not make existing foods healthier and eat a balanced diet with regular exercise instead?
“In 2005 we conducted a survey of over 900 school children in the South Wales area and were amazed at the results and enthusiasm shown with comments such as ‘lush’, ‘delicious’ and ‘I want another!’ A healthy burger can be attractive to school children and we produce both beef and lamb burgers that are health conscious. Basically the burgers in the range sampled for our survey were solely minced beef blended with the pure ingredients of salt & pepper – as close to a homemade burger as I would challenge you to find at a commercial level. Children, we believe, would be more receptive to healthy eating initiatives if they understood what the end goal of healthy eating was trying to achieve, perhaps working with, rather than bulldozing them into something they don’t want to eat.
“Our burger range comprises of three distinct product groups, Gourmet, Select and Fast Food, which have been carefully developed by our specialist teams to suit the different market segments. Our new brochure, now available, is a guide to everything we produce. Our range is made from UK and Irish sourced meat, all choice muscle meat cuts are used in conjunction with production techniques and recipes perfected over 40 years. Our range of Fast Food burgers is ditributed through a network of national frozen food wholesalers. Whilst some of our competitors fight the fast food market using cheaper cuts of meat from around the world including head meat and MRM to produce a cheaper burger, we focus on quality and consistency to create repeat business. We achieve BRC accreditation, which reflects the high quality standards we work to. Since our formation six years ago, we have grown with our customers and, wherever possible, have supported the local farming community including a project with Celtic Pride Welsh Beef n conjunction with Castell Howell Foods Ltd.”
The Gourmet & Select ranges are aimed at the hotel and restaurant markets and are delivered through all the major food-service distributors. “The ‘foie gras’ of all our burgers has to be the Kobe steak burger available from kff, made from the most pampered cattle in the world.” Japanese Wagyu meat, also known as Kobe beef is widely acclaimed to be the most tender, most succulent and tastiest meat in the world. Voelas Hall, located in the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales, is home to the UK’s only herd of traditional Wagyu cattle. The meat used to make the Kobe steak burger is obtained from this herd, which live a life of luxury. The herd are fed a diet of grains, racehorse grass and hay, all washed down with beer. The cattle have regular massages, which are believed to improve the quality of the meat giving it a wonderful marbling, which in turn gives the extraordinary succulence for which it is known.
The range also includes the world famous Aberdeen Angus burger. The marbled fat interwoven through the lean meat ensures tenderness when cooked and brings out flavour and succulence. “Our Aberdeen Angus is sourced from certified UK breeders and only the very finest cuts are used to make our burgers. Other products in our extensive brochure are the Welsh Celtic Pride burger, a range of pure steak burgers, lamb & mint burgers, vegetarian burgers and halal burgers.
“Along the way we have picked up awards including the True Taste of Wales Silver Award and customers and friends alike have proclaimed that our burgers are the best they have ever tasted.
“So yes, we believe that our burgers can be considered as part of a healthy balanced diet, together with regular exercise. Why not enjoy something you like, safe in the knowledge that it is made from the best cuts of meat, is fully traceable from field to fork and made from UK and Irish approved suppliers. Whether you enjoy eating regular beef burgers or are a more refined Kobe or Aberdeen Angus connoisseur, The Burger Manufacturing Company has something to offer everyone. We would argue that nearly every meat eater in the country would be a hypocrite if they said they have never eaten burger and chips once in a while. And for those who deny liking burgers, I dare say they certainly have not tried one of ours.”